Sunday, November 26, 2006

Cussin' & Shoutin'

There was a lot of cussin' and shoutin' at our house. I mean come on, we had 5 turnovers and the loss of Seau, which will hurt. But as ugly as it was we pulled it out. We invited Brad over to watch the game but he chickened out. So Brad, this is how Brady looked when he slipped past Urlacker and ran for the first down - in case you missed it.

Turkey Day

Terry, Charlie and I spent Thanksgiving at Mom & Dad's house. The girls went up North to see their other grandparents and Max and the twins spent the weekend with their Mom. It is kind of boring for Terry and I when that happens but that is the way it is. Mom made a great meal (I got away with just desserts). Marissa helped her get everything together and served us all. Mandy and Vivian were there too. Michelle's family hosted James' family. Here are some pictures. I hope you all had a nice weekend too.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Mom has made a ot of afghans - all the kids have at least one. Sadie still drags hers around everywhere, it is called her "smell blanket". Friday nights we usually watch movies with the kids after dinner and chill out after our busy week. The kids all drag out their blankets and lay all over the floor.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Oh yeah - Mom's Famous

If you have flashplayer you can play a video clip of mom regarding her teaching style. It's loaded on the local college website.

Boo Bears

I can't believe Sadie Lou is 8! Happy Birthday Sadie! Time has gone by too fast and my little girl is getting so big. It seems just days ago I took her to get her first birthday picture taken, now she is - Sadie. Sadie can drive me crazy. Sometimes she is way too honest, like when she tells me my stomach still looks like I am pregnant or she doesn't like my new hair color. There are other times when she looks me dead in the face and I swear she thinks we're equals. But there are other times when she melts my heart. She will write me little notes and leave them on my pillow. She is always quick with a hug and a snuggle on the couch. I know I have many adventures with her to come.

November 4, 2006

Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad!

Happy Birthday Aunt Nettie!