Friday, August 04, 2006

Are we moving?

Terry and I have often discussed moving to another state. At first it was when the kids grew up, then maybe once they started college. Lately we have been ready to move now. Terry wants to try something new, my reasons are a little different. I would like to move to a "Red" state where the majority of my neighbors speak English. Regardless, moving now raises a whole list of issues. There is no way the twins would be able to come with us. I could bring the girls but I don't think I would want to force that. So until we get all of that ironed out there is no need for my husband to be torturing me ALL DAY with listings showing me how much we get for the same amount of $. It doesn't matter if you can transfer babe - we can't go yet. Enticing me with my own scrapbooking room just increases the pain.


Rissa said...

I feel your pain, torn between living close to family and then living somewhere that you actually love.

Mike Angie Patrick Aaron said...

Where would want to move? Luckily our move brought us close to family AND to a place we love! Guess that doesn't always happen. WOW! A WHOLE room for scrapbooking would be way too cool! That does sound enticing. I need one of those. I do Creative Memories and take over the loft the majority of the time, especially when hosting workshops. I didn't know you were into scrapbooking. Have you been doing it long? I sure wish I had more time to work on my own albums. I keep hoping I'll find more time now that Patrick is in preschool, but have added a job (babysitting a 10 1/2 month old 3 days a week) to my life so it's not looking quite as promising.

Chet and Gini said...

I am also curious as to were you want to move. Living somewhere is not always what you think it will be when you visit. You have all that nasty stuff like earning a living. Had a friend learn that the hard way when she moved to Florida.