Monday, April 02, 2007

Where did March go?

I can't believe we are in April - March went by way too fast. Spring is always our busiest time, it's a delight and a curse. I had so much to blog about too if I would have had the time. I missed Max, Joe's and James Birthdays. Max turned 15 on the 6th. Joe was 11 on the 11th and James, well, he just turned 41 on the 27th. My b-day was nice too. Terry bought me a cake and all of the kids made homemade cards.

We had a nice St. Patrick's Day. I took the girls and Charlie to an Irish festival and the girls school has a large adult only dinner and show. Terry and I didn't have a sitter for Charlie so I just worked. I actually went on "beer runs". It was quite humorous to me, I think the last time I ran out in the middle of a party to pick up alcohol b/c we ran out was about 15 years ago, although I don't think I was standing in line at the grocery store with bottles of Chardonnay. I also always make the family corned beef and cabbage. I don't think it turned out well this year but the kids still loved it.

Terry was called out of town for work twice. The first week I was also gone 1 night overnight for work so Charlie stayed with Aunt Michelle. He had a blast with the boys. Then Terry was in Sacramento all last week. He tells me its boring being away all by his self for work but I know he's full of it. He was at a conference, slept in every morning and one night hurried me off the phone b/c he was watching a movie on HBO (which we don't have here).

We've also been busy with the kids. Sarah started softball which her Dad coaches and Terry assists. She moved up a level so her game times are at 8:00 PM now. Sadie plays tennis and her matches are Saturdays at 8:00 AM - of course these are the mornings after the softball games. Cameron is playing baseball again this year after taking 2 years off. He just had opening ceremonies this past weekend and we'll see his first game this Thursday. Allyson runs track and has had a couple of meets already. She also has the lead in local rendition of High School Musical. She practices every Friday night and most of the day Saturday. The lead means she has to kiss this boy who we are pretty sure bats for the other team, not that there is anything wrong with that, but it makes for interesting conversation around here. Terry has raced 2 more times on his motorcycle and Charlie is pretty much just drug around everywhere. He loves to be outside so doesn't complain much.

So that is us. One Sunday I woke up and I just laid in bed and smiled. Terry asked what I was grinning about and I said I just woke up on my own, no alarm and no kids. That was my best March morning.


Chet and Gini said...


Mike and Annette said...

Great to have you blogging again. I've miss hearing about you and the family. You are certainly busy.
Cherish these years, they are wonderful.

Rissa said...

Can't wait for Sunday...17 of us!