Saturday, November 03, 2007

Halloween - 2007

I took the day off on Halloween, I'm the room Mom for Sadie's class and I made little Halloween tote bags with the kids. We then headed outside for the costume parade, then let the kids load up on cupcakes, punch and candy. Sarah's class was supposed to have a "dance" during the parade but they blew it a few days before, I felt bad and brought them cupcakes too. As you can see they don't typically dress up. Terry came home early to carve little dude's pumpkin and help me get ready for the trick or treaters. I like to wear scary masks and scare the kids, Terry walked Charlie around door to door. Charlie did not want to wear the costume and cried all the way to the first house, once he started getting candy he felt better. I hope everyone else had a SCARY night!


Mike Angie Patrick Aaron said...

Candy makes it all worthwhile right Charlie?!?!
Wish Patrick could have celebrated at school as well. Looks like fun! What did they do to lose the dance?

Chet and Gini said...

Looks like everyone had fun. We haven't had trick or treaters since we live on Arcardia 20 years ago. I always buy a few candy bars "just in case" but Chet ends up "having" to eat them.

Rissa said...

He is just too cute!
Did Sir take away their dance? They were not allowed to dress up either?
At least Sadie's class had a party.

Missy said...

The 7th graders have to earn a certain number of class points in order to have a dance, she has a class of 37, and they are a handful (not mine of course) I don't get full reports anymore so I do not know what truly occurred this time. She is already talking about points for the next one.

Ps (quietly) see the guy standing tall with the big white toothy grin? His name is Justin, that is all I am going to say.

Chet and Gini said...

Isn't Justin a nice looking young man

Anonymous said...

Hi Missy, can you email me at my junk email account? I have a question I want to ask you. -Cousin Christopher

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the multiple posts, computer hiccup.