Sunday, December 28, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Chrsitmas Train
Sadie's Reading Teacher invited us on a Christmas Train last weekend so Sadie, Charlie and I met Ann-Marie at the train station in downtown SB and much to my surpirise it was quite the big deal. We took the Amtrack up the Cajon pass and sang Christmas songs, ate cookies and juice, elves made balloon animals for the kids and then a special visit from Santa and Mrs Claus! All of the kids on the train got teddy bears. We had a lot of fun!
Posted by Missy at 9:32 PM 1 comments
Christmas Plays
This may very well be the last year I see Sarah in the traditional class Christmas Play. I don't know how much they do that in High School. Well, she went out with a bang! She had the lead roll in Ms. Ryan's production. Not the best picture but here is Sarah and her buddy Kamren. She had a lot of lines to memorize.
Posted by Missy at 9:23 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
If you put it out there for the world to see...
I loved sending my family highlights out to other family and friends. I enjoy sharing pictures of the kids and all of their goings on. But Terry's CRAZY ex wife keeps visiting the page and harrasing him about it. Why would she even look at it you ask? According to her everytime I update it I send her an email. I think we all know better than that. Do you really think people believe you? Do you believe yourself?
I will email all my loved ones my new contact info and will communicate with you that way, in a secured enviroment, from now on. Happy blogging - I will still visit!
Posted by Missy at 1:39 PM 8 comments
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Mission San Juan Capistrano

Posted by Missy at 8:45 PM 5 comments
Sunday, November 16, 2008
A Day out with Thomas

Posted by Missy at 6:35 PM 2 comments
Sadie's 10th Birthday
Sadie turned 10 on the 5th. My, time flies. We celebrated by having her first sleepover. We had 5 girls come over and spend the night. Thank goodness Sarah was here and helping me. They kept busy by having a scavenger hunt in the back yard, looking for lip glosses, lotions, teen magazines etc. They ran around and played hide & seek against the neighborhood boys. We had a dance contest and watched girlie flicks. I think they only syated up until 2. Not too bad!
Posted by Missy at 6:19 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Sarah had a dance for the 7/8 grades at school. I set up and brought a lot of the party stuff. I did not hang out in there too long. Her Grandparents crashed it though. I told her that I did not tell them about it. Of course Grandpa wanted to dance with her and her friends - humiliating. She finally kicked him out and gave him a dirty look. I told him Sadie would appreciate him so they went over to her party.
Posted by Missy at 3:25 PM 7 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Long Weekend

Posted by Missy at 8:41 PM 5 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
The girls finished their summer by spending a few days with Riss in Oceanside. That was nice for them because we really didn't do much in terms of fun, with the move and all. Charlie and I joined them after a couple of days. We had a good time at the beach.
Sarah started her last year at Our lady of Assumption. I think she has 8th gradeitis. I see her texting and talking and whatever more than anything else lately. Sadie is in 4th grade and she is Vice President of her class, so both girls are in student council. I think she will have a good year with this teacher. I am coaching Sarah's volleyball team again this year. We are 1-1. Sadie is playing tennis again and moved up a level from the Spring season.
Charlie has discovered the computer games. He is obsessed with the Nintendo DS handheld games and the Wii. We literally need to pry them out of his hands. He did take a 4 week swimming class at our association pool once we moved in. He enjoys swimming whenever we can.
Terry and I decided after the last 3 seasons not to pay for the Sunday NFL ticket games. It is expensive and Terry said we watched too much football last year. I miss it b/c Sunday is usually my relaxing day and I like to watch while I am doing laundry. But since our teams are not off to a good start we are less invested now anyway. Terry lost Tom in the first week and Carson is out with his elbow so we have been a little sad. Unfortunately since we live in California the only games we get on network TV are the Raiders. We freakin' hate the Raiders.
This brings me to our latest update. Terry was wondering after Tom's week 1 what it felt like to tear your ACL so he did it in a dirt bike accident a week ago. We went to the Ortho today and he drained 60 cc's of liquid out of his knee. It didn't look good and judging from the noises Terry made I don't think it felt good either. He goes for an MRI next and then we wait and see what those results are before we make any other decisions. Ironically when the Dr. said "torn ACL" he said "he did a Tom Brady". Weird. Maybe that makes me Giselle?
Posted by Missy at 8:43 PM 2 comments
Sunday, July 20, 2008
New House

Posted by Missy at 9:29 AM 9 comments
The season is over
Posted by Missy at 9:24 AM 2 comments
Friday, July 04, 2008
A new couch
Today I bought a new couch. In fact I was so happy buying my very first new couch that I bought two and two love seats. I have never bought a couch before. I have been married twice, have 3 kids and 2 step-kids, I have bought 3 houses, owned 5 plus cars and have worked full-time for 15 years but never have I owned my own couch. I have sat my sat my butt on my parents couch, James' bachelor couch, my first husband's ex-wife's couch, my parents couch again, a friends old couch but never my own. It feels pretty good, I'm pretty happy.
Posted by Missy at 6:14 PM 4 comments