Thursday, December 14, 2006

I got into a bad accident on Monday. I was rear-ended on the freeway by a 17 year old kid who doesn't have a license. Nice, I know. I had to slam on my brakes b/c 2 cars ahead of me someone got a flat tire. The car ahead of me stopped, I stopped, the kid did not. I'm not seriously hurt but my neck was killing me the first 2 days. I had my boss and co-worker in the car with me, they are sore but okay too. My car is at the auto body shop, I will find out how much damage tomorrow. Luckily I drive a gas guzzling, smog polluting SUV b/c the ass of my car is jacked. Had I been driving something smaller it would have been worse. I am grateful none of the kids were with me.


Obert Life is Good said...

Thank goodness you ar OK. Since the kid had no license, is it safe to assume he had no insurance either? Hopefully his parents are wealth doctors!

Mike Angie Patrick Aaron said...

Wow Miss. I hope you are feeling better. Let me know if you need help.

Chet and Gini said...

So glad you came out okay. Don't you just want to scream at all those people who drive too close to back off?!

Katy said...

Get well soon
I hope everything goes alright.

Mike and Annette said...

How are you feeling by now? I am really sorry you had to go through this. Car accidents are a big fear of mine. I am really glad that it was not worse. Be careful out there everyone.