Monday, May 01, 2006

Charlie is 9 months

How beautiful is this boy? I can't believe he is almost one. The past 9 months have gone by too fast. Charlie is getting around now, everywhere. His likes: climbing the stairs, pulling the plastic cap off of the door stoppers, ripping Daddy's Sport's Illustrated magazines, and bathtime. His dislikes: lying still to get his diaper changed, the merry-go-round at Disneyland, Mommy wiping his nose and vegetables.


Mike and Annette said...

Yes, he is beautiful. I love his name to. That name is very special to me. I am so glad to hear that you are so happy. Hugs to all.

Mike Angie Patrick Aaron said...

Watch out for this one - looks very solid. He will play football! Now what will the irony be . . . Perhaps playing for the Steelers, the Bills, or some other dreaded rival of the Patriots . . .?

Chet and Gini said...

What a good looking boy. I can see a little of your Dad in the way he grits his teeth - need to see more pics of the family!

Katy said...

Funny Gini wrote that because I thought the same thing.
It makes me miss Uncle Mike.
Uncle Mike- If you're out there-I miss and love you! I have so many fond memories. Sometimes when I have been around Mike (yes, its been almost 10 years now...) as an adult I miss being a kid because being around him as a kid is the BEST time.
Missy... You must write about your Dad... he's too good of a subject to pass up! So many good stories! But you'd probably have too much to write... no where to start.
Oh, yeah... and I think this guy is cute too.