Saturday, July 08, 2006

Father's Day picture

I am always late but here is my tribute to Father's Day. Thanks for everything Dad!


Mike Angie Patrick Aaron said...

Hmmm...can't imagine needing Malibu with SEVEN people in one RV for that amount of time! Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Can't wait to see the photos!

Mike Angie Patrick Aaron said...

Oops - Angie not paying attention to where she is posting a comment.

Mike M - you look great in this photo!

Katy said...

Your family is so lucky to have such a loving and sweet man like Uncle Mike to shower you with attention and laughter!
(*not trying to sound corny- just have a soft spot for that one!)

Mike and Annette said...

My kids are right. Uncle Mike you look MAv-o-lous!!!! Cant wait to give you a big hug at the wedding.