Sunday, July 16, 2006

What Fun to be ONE!


Mike and Annette said...

He is way to adorable. Congratulations little one.
Happy 1st birthday!

Mike Angie Patrick Aaron said...

Those pictures are precious. Looks like Charlie certainly enjoyed his cake, or maybe just the frosting. Happy 1st birthday Charlie!

Chet and Gini said...

Wow - how old is Max now? He looks good. (Why is it that we are always so surprised that kids grow up!) Happy B'day Charlie!

Missy said...

I meant to mention it but was in a hurray. Max is 14 and going to be a freshman in High School. He lives with Glenn's parents up in Northern Cal. I don't get to see him much, a couple of times a year so when we do we are always surprised at how big his is. He is just about as tall as me, with a deep voice. It's really weird. He is doing well though. It is slower paced up there and he doesn't get bounced from his mom to his dad - that wasn't working for him. The girls miss him terribly of course but he has been there the last 2 years so they are getting my used to it.